Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

Liza Apartments (2517 Eastlake)

This new, eight-story, 200,000 square foot multi-family residential apartment building is situated in Seattle’s Eastlake neighborhood which borders Lake Union. The project team is pursuing Seattle’s Living Building Pilot Program (LBPP) which allows certain design concessions, such as additional floor area and height, for projects incorporating sustainable design strategies. Under the LBPP, Liza is pursuing Petal Certification by fulfilling the imperatives of the Energy, Beauty, and Place Petals. For the energy petal certification, Liza is going beyond net-zero energy and targeting net-positive energy which requires the building to generate more energy than it uses. The project is also pursuing the City of Seattle’s water requirement by treating and reusing water on-site to use for irrigation, toilet flushing, and hose bibs.

The site includes 207 units, 2,500 square feet of shell and core retail space in the ground floor podium, and up to 67,500 square feet of underground parking, providing approximately 200,000 square feet of the gross project area. The project is also pursuing LEED v4 for Homes Multifamily Midrise Certification at the Gold level. Rushing’s full suite of services is behind this integrative effort, providing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering as well as sustainability consulting, energy and commissioning services, and lighting design.