
2021 Energy Code Webinar: Commercial

This week, Rushing hosted a 2021 Energy Code: Commercial Webinar! We hope you found value in the discussion on expected impacts of changes in the upcoming code updates. The slide deck and session recording from this week are linked below.

Meeting Recording

For those of you who joined our session, we forgot to answer the trivia question!

Q: What code cycle introduced air leakage testing requirements?
A: 2009 WSEC introduced air barrier and leakage testing requirements. 2006 did reference an infiltration barrier and vapor barrier.
Pat yourself on the back if you knew or guessed correctly! There is no prize, but you can brag to all your colleagues.

As a reminder, the Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC) passed a 120 day delay of the 2021 Washington State Buildings Codes, with a new implementation date of October 29, 2023SDCI has delayed to no sooner than October 29, 2023 to align with the state.

The SBCC also approved a second motion to convene two Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to consider stakeholder proposals to modify sections of the 2021 Washington State Energy Codes (WSEC) for both Commercial Buildings and Residential Buildings. Proposals were due to SBCC 6/9/2023, and the TAGs will meet on June 21.  

WSEC Updates
SEC Updates

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